NEWSINDHS August 31, 2019 l Independent News Desert Hot Springs

Day after Day shootings happen in America and the media stays mostly silent about most of them.  The ratio is something like 4 to 1 when it comes to shootings that are not covered by the national media to the ones that do.

So today there was a mass shooting in Odessa Texas where 5 people were killed and 21 were injured.  A mass shooting by the way only takes 4 people shot to make it on to the mass shooting list.

In the Odessa shooting which is tragic and extremely heart wrenching to hear about where 5 people lost their lives the media is pushing that the shooter was WHITE.

Why is that?  Why are they repeatedly covering shootings that are done by White people and ignoring shootings that are done by people of color?

Is this an agenda?  Are they trying to create an artificial reality in the minds of their audience to make them believe that only white people mass shoot?

There’s some reason for it I assure you.  This is not an accident.


Let’s take a look at some more recent shootings that got no national coverage like this white guy shooting did.

This 4 person shooting also happened today but no national media coverage.  Was the shooter a non white in a minority neighborhood where the victims were also non whites?  Somehow the race is left out of this article.  Is that part of the agenda?

This 4 person shooting also happened today but no national media coverage.  Was the shooter a non white in a minority neighborhood where the victims were also non whites?  Somehow the race is left out of this article.  Is that part of the agenda?

This 4 person shooting also happened today but no national media coverage.  Was the shooter a non white in a minority neighborhood where the victims were also non whites?  Somehow the race is left out of this article.  Is that part of the agenda?

This 4 person shooting also happened today but no national media coverage.  Was the shooter a non white in a minority neighborhood where the victims were also non whites?  Somehow the race is left out of this article.  Is that part of the agenda?

This 10 person shooting happened yesterday but no broad national media coverage.  Was the shooter a non white in a minority neighborhood where the victims were also non whites?  Somehow the race is left out of this article.  Is that part of the agenda?

And so on, on and on and on and on and on one shooting after another in minority neighborhoods where the potential minority victims and shooters races are ignored and not hyped by the media.

Is this their agenda?  To cherry pick shootings that involve white shooters and hype them as a lever to promote gun control?  Why not?  The left media wants the guns to be taken so the left media could easily be ignoring black on white and black on black and brown on white and brown on brown gun crime because it doesn’t fit the narrative they are pushing.

What do you think?