Newsindhs l Independent News l July 2, 2019

Today I’m showcasing and sharing an artistically done video put together and created entirely by a full time resident of Desert Hot Springs who lives within the city.

He’s a visual and musical artist who sent me this thought provoking piece about the region of California we live in that he put together called….

Inland Empire – A different view

All of the photos and even the music in the video were captured, created, and are owned by the artist himself who goes by his real life name “Kosta.”

Please feel free to like the video and subscribe to his channel.

But please don’t use his images or video for anything unless you get his written permission.

All images and the entire video in this post are property of the artist Kosta and he has given permission to me to post this artwork on

Again please enjoy this local artist submission to NEWSINDHS.COM.

If you know of or are an artist who lives here in Desert Hot Springs and would like to have your artwork shared on this site please send the submissions to  Thank you.