DHS is about to give away a bicycle to an attendee of the Community Park Planning event this weekend in Desert Hot Springs at the Miracle Springs Resort.  The city is promoting a social engineering program to rewire children’s brains towards going along with the plans the city government has for the city.

Now let’s look at what the city of DHS itself says about propagandizing people to bike through social engineering.

Their own documents state their goal is to “re-position bicycling as a safe and common mode of transportation and” increase “the number of people bicycling” They admit that “The field of bicycle planning” they say “is being redefined toward this end.”

Question…. Is it the job of the Government of the City of Desert Hot Springs to socially engineer us towards a goal that they want us to reach?  If so who gave them permission to redirect our way of thinking towards an end we’re not made aware of on a regular basis?

From the City of Desert Hot Springs just 3 years ago here in a document from the city of DHS on page 14. 

“In an effort to re-position bicycling as a safe and common mode of transportation and increasing the
number of people bicycling, attention needs to be shifted away from creating “cyclists” and toward
making it easier for any person to choose bicycling for their everyday trips. Research shows a strong
latent interest in bicycling among those who identify as “interested, but concerned.” These individuals do
not identify themselves as “cyclists,” but they do not necessarily need to do so to benefit from programs
to encourage bicycling. While all segments of the population may be encouraged to ride, it is through
the encouragement of this “interested, but concerned” segment of the population the greatest gains in
mode share will be made. The field of bicycle planning is being redefined toward this end.”

So we have established that one of the goals of the city of Desert Hot Springs is to make more bike riders out of the residents of DHS.


Because they’re following a script.

The city of DHS Staff and public officials are re designing the city towards what CVAG, SCAG, SUNLINE Transportation, The State of California and a host of other HAG sounding regional governments desire for our city to look like.  And they are applying their propaganda machine onto the children.

They admit that they are just following what the regional governments are telling them to do here in the city of DHS General Plan from 2000. 

Let’s take a moment to look at various other cities that use bicycles to propagandize their citizens towards more bicycling and less driving and we will see that Desert Hot Springs City Servants are just parroting a narrative just like most other Cities that are trying to social engineer children into biking not driving.  A program that is established years ahead of time with hardly any input from the public.  

From The Guardian 

From The Baltimore Brew

From 1.nyc.gov

As you can clearly see it’s not uncommon for other cities, states and even other countries to promote the same alternative forms of transportation by fooling children in just about every United Nations run city including Desert Hot Springs into thinking that the cities care for them by giving away bicycles. 

They are actually socially engineering our children towards not wanting to own their own automobile.  Because as I show you in many links,  the city of DHS wants to encourage bicycling instead of driving and push it on the youth who are the most impressionable.  

Maybe Russell Betts, Anayeli Zavala, Mayor Matas, Jan Pye, and Gary Gardner want a car-less future perhaps.

Is propagandizing our children a fair game for them to play?  They seem to think so. 

Again CVAG and the City of Desert Hot Springs do not create a fair playing field by routinely pointing out to the residents of Desert Hot Springs that they are engaging in social engineering programs with us such as the one i spoke about a little while ago in a video I made. In that episode of the Build Up that mentioned City Staff Member Danny Poirras and how he told the City Council that the narrowing of city street lanes is designed to change your driving habits.  Do you remember me mentioning that social engineering process that DHS is currently planning to pave into our lives in DHS? I sure do.  

What is social engineering?  

Social engineering is defined as….  the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society. 

Desert Hot Springs is fully locked into multiple processes that call for re wiring your brain and your children’s brains to get an outcome they desire.  This bike giveaway tomorrow is part of a centrally planned scripted program.  Our city government workers who are the public faces of this giveaway are not original.  They are reading lines to you like in a movie.  They are actors playing a role.  

If they will set their sights on the unsuspecting adolescent individuals in our community to mind control them into bicycling instead of driving just think about what other thought modification programs are being deployed in the schools here in DHS.  

1984 was not meant to be a blueprint.  

Some other noteworthy sites here, and here where another city talks about a bike giveaway social engineering program, and here.