Newsindhs l Independent News Desert Hot Springs l July 8 2019

From William Cohen’s Wikipedia page. Here he’s pictured with Former President Bill Clinton.

The San Andreas Fault runs directly under the heart of the city of Desert Hot Springs.  You need to read this article.

Former Secretary Of Defense William Cohen had this to say back in 1997 at a speech he gave when he slipped out the concept of using Earthquake Weapons.  

“Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”

After all this time, out of the variety of things that Former Sec-Def Cohen listed in that speech, many, if not all of them are admittedly going on.  Here are just one of each of the admitted programs he talked about.  There are actually hundreds of articles admitting each of these programs are actually going on.

        1) Israel is Developing ‘Ethnic Bomb’ for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal

“Israel is working on an “ethnically targeted” biological weapon that would kill or harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources cited in a front-page report in the London Sunday Times, November 15, 1998 (“Israel Planning ‘Ethnic’ Bomb as Saddam Caves In,” by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin).”

    2)  US plan to genetically alter crops via insects feared to be biological war plan

“Government-backed researchers in America are aiming to use virus-carrying insects to genetically engineer crops – raising fears the technology could be used for biological weapons.

A new article in the journal Science explores the shadowy program funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa).

The program aims to disperse infectious, genetically modified viruses that have been engineered to alter the chromosomes of crops – using insects to spread the viruses to the plants.” Link here

-Another one that came true, this time Weather Modification.  This is the headline from Business Insider.

    3) China spent millions on a shady project to control the weather ahead of the Beijing Olympics — and dozens of other countries are doing it too

“The project is part of a larger campaign of so-called weather modification techniques that the country has been using since at least 2008, when they claim to have cleared the skies for the Beijing Olympics by forcing the rain to come early.”

Back to the subject of moving things using sound waves.  Including Earthquake Weapons.

Sound waves of various types (EXTREMELY LOW FREQUENCIES or ELF’s, ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCIES or EMF’s, RADIO WAVES, and MICRO WAVES) have been around for decades and have been proven to be able to move objects even large rocks.  Small scale, large scale, it doesn’t matter.  The Technology exists and the appetite for more weapons is insatiable by government.

Watch some of the many techniques that can be used to move objects using sound.

Wikipedia even has a page for Tectonic Weapons although they still call it a ‘hypothetical’ weapon.  That’s hard to believe that it’s hypothetical when you take into account the U.S. Government has been caught before and lies all the time to hide secret programs it has had in development.

Alongside the anomalous earthquake activity in Ridgecrest and the surrounding counties, right after the Ridgecrest earthquake bees were filmed confused and dying in the same area of California.

By now almost all of us have seen the cell phone video of ants that become triggered by radio waves from a cell phone suggesting a connection between radio waves and insects.

So why would we not consider the possibility that radio waves that could be being tested on the earth to cause earthquakes could also be confusing bees for hours causing them to get lost, or starve, or lose their sense of direction and thus die in mass?  Just like the confused behavior they showed in the twitter video above.

What better of a place along the California fault lines could you think of to test a tectonic weapon on than Ridgecrest California?  It’s a small town that could easily be the location to kick off the movement of the San Andreas Fault thus precipitating major movement in the plates to trigger a larger disaster.  One that would be unlike anything California has ever seen.

Ridgecrest California

In the early 1990’s the U.S. military developed a research project powered by the natural gas in a region of Alaska that proved to be able to manipulate the ionosphere causing it to lift up and then snap back down amplifying the frequencies directed towards it.  Those same frequencies could be being used to cause earthquakes.

The facility is called HAARP.

California does need a good crisis to galvanize the citizens especially with Sacramento coming to grips with the fact that there is a massive exodus from California growing.  There are many reasons people are fed up with the Golden State.  Families and individuals are fleeing in high numbers , some are blaming the high taxes, or the high cost of living, and some say it’s California’s policy towards providing benefits and sanctuary to people entering the country illegally.

California is also currently pushing to build multi-use high density housing from San Diego all the way up to Oregon and could capitalize on a massive disastrous housing collapse to accelerate the building of thousands and thousands of tightly packed apartment buildings across the state from end to end and side to side.  In other words Cui Bono?  These coming high rise units are to be built in the downtown’s of every major and medium sized city including Desert Hot Springs.  These tightly planned dense housing complexes could house the displaced residents who’s houses would fall to rubble due to a manufactured earthquake if one of these man made events is created.

Do you think that the U.S. Government wouldn’t test something so dangerous as a tectonic weapon within the United States borders?  Think again.  

The U.S. Government performed Nuclear Weapons Testing in the Southwest not too long ago-

The U.S. Government knowingly ruined an area of the United States while it was testing Nuclear Weapons on American Soil.

“The United States conducted an above-ground nuclear weapon test in southeastern New Mexico on July 16, 1945. Between 1945 and 1963, hundreds of above-ground blasts took place around the world. Over time the number and size (or yield) of these blasts increased, especially in the late 1950s and early 1960s.”

Some of the fallout radionuclides the EPA’s monitoring systems on and around the test sites may detect include:

Think for yourself, there are things going on that you are not being told about by mainstream sources.