Independent News Desert Hot Springs

We’re going away from rule of law on purpose in California. Theft has been green lighted in California including Wal Marts in this state.

All of these crimes below were reduced to misdemeanors under prop 47 in 2014.

Consequently I routinely see people leave big box stores with stolen stuff under their arms or in their cart and the employees are told to let them go.

-Shoplifting, where the value of property stolen does not exceed $950
-Grand theft, where the value of the stolen property does not exceed $950
-Receiving stolen property, where the value of the property does not exceed $950
-Forgery, where the value of forged check, bond or bill does not exceed $950
-Fraud, where the value of the fraudulent check, draft or order does not exceed $950
-Writing a bad check, where the value of the check does not exceed $950
-Personal use of most illegal drugs

Gun free? Prosecution free under a large $ amount? What could go wrong? We’re slowly moving toward third world status on purpose.