
June 17th 2019

On the heels of the expose video posted last week to showing that homeless people are trespassing on private property and taking the structures over.  Today we can see that forced openings are found on the abandoned building at 11360 Palm Drive in Desert Hot Springs.

It’s possible that these openings were created after someone could have scaled the gates and railings and then forced the plywood back away to gain access to the structure.

The wood that’s down over the real estate sign could have been ripped down for ventilation inside the suite adjacent the balcony.

Plywood forced open the size of a human body
Front view of plywood forced open
Half circle window fallen down and out of it’s frame

Some pictures were taken through the gate of the inside courtyard of the building and it looks just like a squatters paradise.  Smashed windows, trash strewn about, garbage on the floor, rain damage, forced open doorways.  All signs of homeless activity within the property for prolonged periods of time.

This is how the building looks today.  Missing roofing, boarded up windows, contrary to what the Mayor says Desert Hot Springs is NOT doing great.  He’s doing great, large pockets of his city are not.

Now let’s hope Councilman Russell Betts doesn’t get triggered by these photos and go rent a Bulldozer.  Because he has said with his own words he would like to take a bulldozer to it.

Let’s wait for the legal way to take it’s course and not have what happened to the old revivals building get revived.

There is another commercial building right next door to this one so it would be a larger liability for someone to torch this one up in flames.  Not saying anyone should burn this building down because the legal route is always the beset and only route to take.

But I’m sure someone has turned an empty building in Desert Hot Springs into a bonfire just to move the property along and into new hands.


As you can see in this older google street view picture the building was closed up tight until now.