The superbowl halftime show is undoubtedly now an annual ritual intended to be used as a vehicle to convey subliminal and subconscious messages to a captive audience.
Typically the young.
There is something cruel and wicked that takes place at this event that is arguably one of the most watched programs of the year. It’s the shoving down the eyes of the audience certain dark subconscious messages that the audience practically can’t look away from.
I equate the ritualistic NC-17 type of performance of the sexually suggestive positions, orgy scene, the dominatrix clothing, the stripper pole dancing, the legs pointed in the air suggesting readiness to fornicate, the rope end suggesting phallic symbolism, the bare butt cheeks, the satanic baphomet character on the front of J.Lo’s costume, and more to the same spirit we’ve all as adults seen in the past mostly in movies and in the news.
The spirit that comes from a dark force like a killer or a rapist or an abuser when he/she makes others watch their dirty work first hand.
There is a joy that the spirit of evil gets when it knows innocent people are watching these wicked things being done while they are taking place. The spirit of evil gets power and is fed from corrupting the innocent minds and making them turn to the darkness after watching clips of simulated orgies and watching half naked women rub their crotches on live t.v. They gain the positive energy that is lost out of the innocent when the innocent see this. It’s a spiritual ritual playing out almost every superbowl now. It’s basically in almost all of Hollywood shows and movies, you practically can’t escape it but this Superbowl event took the cake.
The intent behind showing the audience what they were shown yesterday is not at all unlike the intent that the killer in this article had.
He wanted to hurt the pure by forcing the mother to watch his spirit at work.
Evil wants us all to watch evil occur so that it can turn good into bad and corrupt the pure. It’s evil at work, it’s that simple.