Featured image courtesy of the United Nations.
From Bike Lanes, to voting to increase costs of living through taxes, to idly standing by while we read about spending of hundreds of thousands of dollars of wasted money on wasteful projects to house the homeless. Our city council and local districts are complying with international rulers and restriction oriented technocrats that will ultimately lead us to the total loss of private property and limited movement.
Diesel and Gasoline powered cars are being banned all over the world.
Senator Chuck Schumer Has A Climate Plan That Will Remove Almost Every Gas-Powered Car In America
The way they are going to succeed in converting all control over our lives into their hands is by doing it one drip at a time. Because if you fill up a bucket of water with a drip at a time it takes a long time to do it and most won’t remember how it got filled. But it will accumulate and become a large amount of water over time.
Our city council is being spearheaded by a complicit agent of international control in the form of a mayor and now that he has secured a concerted team on the dais his plans will accelerate the City of Desert Hot Springs into a future full of limited electricity, loss of private property, government dependence, sickness, poverty, disease, lack of clean water, inflated costs of living, surveillance, propaganda, insecurity, crime, and a vast gap between the poor and the wealthy.
Our Mayor and all city council members are consistently fully on board with this game of cutting off our future that they are playing before us and the evidence is piled to the sky that they are participating in the destruction of our city right before our eyes.
They vote and support the increased subsidized transit program, they provide baubles to the city residents to lure them into government coercion, they romanticize the image of government to put people off of their guard against bloated control seeking government, they vote for items and stay silent on other things that are contributing to programs in schools that educate our youth how to do drugs, how to have sex, and how to become school shooters.
The list is endless in how our city government is at the root of all of the most significant changes coming to Desert Hot Springs and more people need to be made aware of how they are being primed for a society modification that only leads to despair.
Converting to solar and wind and phasing out coal and hydro powered electricity will exponentially raise the cost of electricity for the consumer.
Phasing out Private vehicles will ultimately leave control over our access to the country via automobile in the hands of a small number of computer programmers.
Placing environmental restrictions on home building will leave us with little options for housing in the future that will be owned and controlled by giant developers that will be able to set the costs for rent just about any rate they want to.
Not questioning the education system that is run by government is the way that the future can be molded via the minds of the youth. And our city council repeatedly stands behind the Rockefeller designed education system that is leaving our test scores nationally lower and lower and lower compared to other nations.
Our city council has a very cozy relationship with our local and state media and each collaborate together to forward agendas that are pre planned and pre determined.
Our duty is to be involved and get active in our local communities but unfortunately most do not. The ones that do are outnumbered by people actively supporting this crony system of profiting off of the enslavement of the residents of Desert Hot Springs.
Wake up and get involved before it’s too late.